It’s been a couple of weeks I wrote you. To be honest, I feel partly sad that I have missed writing two blog posts as I made a promise to myself earlier this year that I will be posting here weekly but life happened.

Last week I was in between lectures, preparing for a seminar, completing my assignments, commencing my dissertation, structuring phenomenal woman, counseling some sisters and managing my business. Since the lectures are online at the moment due to the pandemic, I was feeding my 6 month old baby in between each lecture while trying to grasp every detail of the entire lectures. It was draining that at some point I started wondering how I’m able to wear many hats. It’s as though as women, society has designed specific roles for us that going out of your comfort zone to become all that God has called you to be can be really stretching. So I thought to myself, It’s okay:

  • To feel overwhelmed
  • Trying to navigate this thing called life
  • Getting to find your balance
  • To be tired
  • To take a break
  • If you are still on the journey to purpose discovery
  • To be unsure about a lot of things going on in your life
  • To feel lonely at the moment

Just a quick reminder that you have been raised for such a time as this. God knows that a point in your life will come when you will be tired and feel like giving up. This is where His strength comes in… “For my strength is made perfect in weaknesses…. (2 cor 12:9)”

Whenever you feel like settling for less than what God has called you to do, remember His STRENGTH. He’s not asking you to accomplish his purpose for your life with your strength, He wants you to leverage on His strength to accomplish anything you have set your mind to do.

You can do ALL things through Christ that STRENGTHENS you. The doing is in His strength not yours.

That being said, sis we see how you have been wearing these hats graciously and we are continually rooting for you.

Let’s defy the odds that women can’t have it all. You can be saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, be a proverbs 31 boss lady, get those degrees, have influence, stay married, birth babies, manage your home, look fly, walk in purpose and still impact your generation.

Quite a long list right? Lets’ toast To wearing many hats


Go ahead and wear them graciously!



Love you







  • Dera
    Posted March 22, 2021 5:53 pm 0Likes

    Cheers! It’s doable with God’s strength

  • Somy
    Posted March 23, 2021 8:51 am 0Likes

    Cheers to wearing many hats. Of I got nothing else from this post, I wish not to forget;

    For my strength is made perfect in weaknesses…. (2 cor 12:9)”

    God bless you for this.

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