Happy new year sis, hope you had a fantastic Christmas celebration? Personally, I feel like the Christmas Holidays should be stretched a bit longer like one month-ish. Anyone with me huh? Can I get an Amen? Hahahaha. To be honest, the rest was well needed especially after all that happened last year even though you were on my mind the entire period. So it’s safe to say that I missed you greatly.

While I was praying for the vision of phenomenal woman for 2022, Holy Spirit told me that it is a year of manifesting as daughters of God… I was thrilled but along the line I thought of many women that will not necessarily feel like they have something on the inside of them to MANIFEST. So I asked the Holy Spirit, how will your daughters manifest if they have got nothing? Then He answered me saying, “They have got something. You see why I believe that you will manifest as God’s daughter this year irrespective of your feeling because guess what? You have got something and that’s the TRUTH! What will you rather believe, the TRUTH or your FEELINGS?

I do not have to keep trying to feel that I am God’s daughter when He’s my father.

When the word MANIFEST comes to mind, several words pops up like, ‘Be visible’, ‘Display’, ‘Exhibit’, ‘Reflect’, ‘Become’ etc.  In other words, what God is saying this year is this, I am displaying you as my daughter for the world to see and it’s not your job to worry about how it’s going to happen. PERIOD!

As this wonderful word has been released, what is your part to play?

Your RESPONSIBILITIES are as follows:

  • Get to know your father: This is the part where I have to be frank with you. There is no manifestation without the knowledge of the father-God. You are meant to manifest as something – Daughters of God. How can you manifest as something you have no knowledge of? This is the year to cut down on distractions and focus on the person of Jesus Christ. Give your life to Jesus (Say the prayer at the end of this post), get to know what He is doing in this season, get to understand His principles through the study of His word and discover His heartbeat. You do not want to miss out on any of these special moments…


  • Say No to Lukewarmness: This is not the dispensation to keep Jesus to yourself and it’s not a time to engage passively in things pertaining to the kingdom either. Have a kingdom agenda alongside your personal agenda for the year. Chase Jesus like your life depends on it because it does hunnie. Dissociate from anyone or associations that will quench the fire of God on the inside of you. Be obsessed with Him. Let your circle of influence and community know about Jesus through your deeds and actions. Get yourself as well as your resources involved in anything that has to do with kingdom advancement. Sis, wake up because we do not have time….Get on your toes!


  • Increase your Capacity: Listen, no one is interested in the mediocre version of you. You can’t represent a God of excellence stuck in mediocrity. Discover your assignment and sharpen the skills that will distinguish you from your contemporaries. That’s the manifestation we are talking about. Pay for courses relevant to your assignment, read voraciously, pay to watch excellent people speak, listen to podcasts, watch educative YouTube videos channeled to your growth, serve people that have already gotten where you are aiming for, be disciplined, develop patterns that will make you a higher version of you (Download my ebook-“To a higher Version Of You”), don’t waste your time on things that will not add value to your life, Be consistent because it takes time to be extraordinary.

Intentionally pursue excellence to a point that your generation can never Ignore you! There are not too many excellent people in the world…


  • Actively Join a Community of likeminded Women: I know you belong to a lot of group and community but how many of them are you actively involved in? Make up your mind to actively participate in a community that will inspire, educate and keep you accountable. This year the phenomenal woman community has the goal of reaching out to 5000 women with the aim to nurturing their God-given potential for generational impact. This will be possible by our specially curated weekly, monthly and quarterly activities. We had to cut down on most of our activities to focus on delivering quality over quantity. The goal this year is to raise women that will excellently manifest as daughters of God in all spheres of influence. This year is the best time to engage in our activities (Join the phenomenal community). Guess what? It’s Free. You do not want to miss out on this life time opportunity.


Your job is to pay attention to your responsibilities and leave the means of manifestation to Him.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons (daughters) of God. (Romans 8:19) KJV


Sis, do not hold back……MANIFEST!


Yet to give your life to Jesus? Say this simple prayer “Jesus, I believe you died for me and rose from the dead. I want to live for you. I am turning away from my sins and placing my trust in you. I acknowledge you as my savior and lord I am asking you to guide my life from now on”. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Congratulations you have made the best decision of your life. Send me an email- [email protected], I would love to guide you through this journey.


Love you









  • Somykels
    Posted January 17, 2022 8:06 am 0Likes

    I’m so excited to be back!!!!!! Sincerely I would have wished the holiday stayed longer ???? but coming back here is an awesome feeling.

    I’m so excited about the word for the year …. MANIFEST. Like, I see/sense how much God desires that his people grab all the knowledge and understanding grabbable???? and I’m grateful that my family PW is not left out in this season but will be a platform for us to be excellent.

    Intentionally pursue excellence to a point that your generation can never Ignore you! This is my word and I have made a decision to be excellent so help me God????.

    Love you mama????

    • pwoman
      Posted January 24, 2022 11:59 am 0Likes

      I know right”? I want a stretch too
      Amen to your prayers dear.
      I love you too

  • Dera
    Posted January 17, 2022 12:11 pm 1Likes

    Worddd and I’m not just exaggerating, this is a lot. I wish I could copy and paste every single word.

    Manifest in itself as a word just hits different in my spirit



    • pwoman
      Posted January 24, 2022 12:11 pm 0Likes

      It hits differently sis.
      Thank you.

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