
Last week I went to an unplanned 3-day retreat. It was unplanned because I never imagined myself going for a retreat whilst breastfeeding and also doing a lot of things. I encouraged my sister to go for the retreat when it was declared in church but I had no idea I needed one desperately. The Holy spirit ensured I go for the retreat by making one of my sister visit me unannounced. I have been asking her to come to my house since last year but all of a sudden she showed up last week. So I left my baby with her as I attended the retreat.<\/p>\n

After the morning session on Wednesday, I recognized the reason why the Holy Spirit needed me to come. Prior before then, He has been bringing my attention to a lot of things but I was too busy and distracted. Even though I had cogent reasons, the Holy spirit knew that there\u2019s no time and he has to pass the message across even if it means getting me out of my comfort zone.<\/p>\n

I think we are in a fast paced generation that will rather get hurt than retreat. There is a lot of noise not just from our society or social media but also internally. We are always on the move to hop unto the next best thing. The value of what God downloaded in my spirit those 3 days is enough to give me capacity to do what He has entrusted me with for years to come.<\/p>\n

Maybe all you need is a retreat from that:<\/p>\n