While I was studying the book of Daniel which is our current bible study, something strucked me.  As Daniel was interpreting the king’s dream, he mentioned a few kingdom but two kingdoms caught my attention – The kingdom of gold and the kingdom of stone cut out without hands.

Daniel  further explained that the kingdom of stone will break in pieces the kingdom of gold, iron, bronze, clay and silver. It didn’t stop there. The kingdom of stone will become a great mountain and will fill the whole earth.

Follow me…

I was disturbed that the kingdom of Gold which is a glamorous one will also be broken into pieces by the kingdom of stone. Why will that even happen because there is nothing appealing about the kingdom of stone?  To think that the kingdom of stone will fill the earth is another nightmare. I rather Gold fill the earth than stone. Who cares about a stone ? As I was studying I begin to realize that the kingdom of stone is synonymous to the kingdom of God and that was when it started making sense. Finally, there is a better explanation but I was worried.

I was worried that majority of people pay their allegiance to the kingdom of Gold. They might just admire the strength of the kingdom of stone but they spend their whole lives chasing after the kingdom of Gold even when the kingdom will be shattered and carried away by the wind eventually.

This means that, “Nothing lasts outside of God’s kingdom.

No matter what is currently happening in our world, this kingdom of God will fill the whole earth and the question is, “Which kingdom are you investing in? The kingdom of Gold or the kingdom of stone?

If the kingdom of Gold will be become like chaff eventually, it is wise to invest in the kingdom of stone.

This is a sign to take the kingdom of God seriously because it will stand forever.

Stop investing your time, energy and resources in kingdoms that will not last.

Don’t go about your daily life constantly trying to belong to the kingdom of Gold all in the name of hustling. It will crash! I’m not saying you should negate hard work. You have to be clear on your priority which should be your relationship with Jesus and your agenda for the kingdom amidst your dreams and aspiration. Don’t cancel your goals, make that of the kingdom a priority.


  • Have a consistent relationship with God
  • Be intentional about spending time with the Holy Spirit
  • Schedule prayer and study time
  • Read kingdom books to wet your appetite for the kingdom
  • Listen to edifying messages to understand the principles of the kingdom
  • Allocate part of your resources to the kingdom
  • Use all your social media platforms to promote the kingdom
  • Engage in strategic evangelism
  • Have a kingdom agenda and target that can be reviewed either weekly, monthly or quarterly
  • Let the kingdom be your top priority as long as you live


You are either for the kingdom of God or not. There’s no middle ground.

Resolve to take seriously  the kingdom that last rather than chasing shadows.

Cheers to an everlasting kingdom.


Love you








  • Dera
    Posted August 9, 2021 4:27 pm 1Likes

    A word and half

    “I was worried that majority of people pay their allegiance to the kingdom of Gold. They might just admire the strength of the kingdom of stone but they spend their whole lives chasing after the kingdom of Gold even when the kingdom will be shattered and carried away by the wind eventually.”

  • Somykels
    Posted August 10, 2021 7:56 am 1Likes

    Nothing lasts outside of God’s kingdom. I have never seen men that chased the Kingdom of God sincerely and regretted it.

    I would say it is a kingdom worth investing in.

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