Author page: pwoman

Competency Versus Mediocrity

Competency Versus Mediocrity

One of my sisters loves everything about music. As a matter of fact, she intends becoming an influential musician some day.  During one of our discussions this quarantine period, I asked what she was currently doing to make her musical dream a reality. “I’m just in school studying to get my degree and I’m not doing anything in particular about…

Girl, Do Not Lower Your Expectations!

Girl, Do Not Lower Your Expectations!

“For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off”(Proverbs 23:18). A month ago while I was about sleeping on a particular night, I became restless about phenomenal woman getting better as an organization. The next day, I had a prompting in my spirit to look for a coach. After surfing through the internet the entire…

My Freedom From Fear

My Freedom From Fear

Fear is a terrible thing. When you add worry, anxiety and panic, it becomes one cocktail for failure. As a child, I had a penchant for worrying, I would worry about things that didn’t even concern me. When I write exams, I would wake up at night trying to calculate the possible scores of an exam I was yet to…

Restoration From My Past

Restoration From My Past

I have always felt sorry for myself. It was bad that my default response to any form of disappointment was self pity. Whenever I decide to overcome it, the devil will immediately fill my mind with wrong thoughts. The devil can only sow wrong thoughts in your mind, but he cannot control what you believe. This was not my reality…